Friday, August 16, 2013

How science-based yoga will give you back the energy,
Pain-Free Movement and carefree playfulness of your
youth — in as little as 28 days!


  • Cosmopolitan
  • fitness
  • Shape
  • Yoga Journal

An important article by fitness trainer Adam Steer

A decade ago, if you told me I'd be using yoga in my training I'd havepunched you in the nose. […ok, I probably wouldn’t hit you… but I would not have been amused…]
Yeah, I used to be a yoga-hater. And I still wouldn't consider myself a "yoga guy". But I've taught "yoga" classes. And I include yoga-inspired movements in all the fitness programs I write for my clients.
So how did I become a believer?
It all began in 1999. I was teaching a workshop in Singapore, and after a miserable 24 hour trip from Quebec City, I was achy, tired and stiff.
In hindsight, I guess that airline seat was the straw that broke this camel's back. Sure, I looked like I was in great shape on the outside…
But on the inside I felt like total crap! I was sick of waking up with aches and pains every morning. And I was frustrated — by then I couldn't even raise my right arm over my head!
Sitting was a problem too. Yeah, can you imagine? When I got down on the floor with my legs stretched out, I couldn't sit with a straight back. I had to prop myself up with my arms.
I was so sick of feeling tired all the time! I drank cup after cup of industrial strength coffee just to get through the day. But it only made me more lethargic. I was on a fast track to burnout, and something had to change.
I want to tell you more about how I used yoga to change all this in 4 short weeks. But first let’s talk about what it can do for YOU…

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